Simple Guide To Setting Up Your MetaMask Wallet

4 min readJan 20, 2022

MetaMask is just an Ethereum Browser and Ether wallet. It interacts with Ethereum Dapps and Smart Contracts without running a full Ethereum node. MetaMask add-on can be installed on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and the new Brave browser. It also allows you to store ERC20 tokens.

First, let’s setup MetaMask in the Chrome or Brave browser. Open up a new browser window and navigate to the below link and then click on ‘ADD TO CHROME’ to install MetaMask plugin.

After installing, click on the MetaMask icon on the top right corner of the chrome browser. Click the “Get Started” button and you’ll be taken to the next page and presented with two options (see below.)

  • Import wallet: This is for users who already have an existing MetaMask wallet on a different device and would like to import it over to a new one.
  • Create a wallet: This is for users who want to set up a brand new MetaMask wallet.

Select the “Create a Wallet” option, agree to a short disclaimer that appears and create a password when prompted. As with any password, it’s vitally important you physically write several copies of the password down on different pieces of paper.

You should never create a digital copy of any password you create; this includes actions like taking a screenshot of it, sending it to yourself in an email or saving it as a note on your computer. Anything digital that’s stored on your computer is accessible to hackers — don’t make life easy for them.

You will need to enter your password each time you wish to access your MetaMask wallet.

MetaMask will now show you a 12 word recovery key (Seed) as below. You should copy it down (again, on paper not in digital form) and should never share your secret recovery phrase with anyone.

You’ll need to then confirm your Secret Backup Phrase as below.

Once you’ve completed the above steps, you’ll be able to access your new MetaMask wallet. There are two main components you’ll need to familiarize yourself with so that you can begin using the software:

  • Identifying your public address: This is the address you can freely share with people or platforms like exchanges in order to receive cryptocurrency into your wallet. Think of it as your home address that you share with people to receive inbound mail. It’s always advisable, however, to check to make sure any inbound tokens are compatible with MetaMask first before receiving them, otherwise, they might be lost forever.
  • How to fund/buy and send: These are the core functions of MetaMask.

You can locate your unique MetaMask public address by clicking the “Account 1″ button (black arrow). To save you manually typing it when you need to use it, you can click the layered square icon beneath it to automatically copy it.

That’s it you’ve just created a new Ethereum address using MetaMask! You’re address can be found by clicking on the three little black dots and clicking “Copy Address to clipboard”.

If anything is unclear please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or




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